Your Baby Month by Month

Though there are many resources that can tell you the size of your baby relative to fruit, nothing compares to seeing a sonogram of your baby. Whether you’re in your first, second or third trimester, it’s important to see your baby and understand how to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

First trimester

Your baby does most of its growing during the first twelve weeks, often before many women realize they’re pregnant. It is important to eat a healthy, nutritional diet filled with whole grains, lean meats and a variety of fruits and leafy green vegetables. Nutritious food is fuel for your baby’s growth and development.

First month

In the first few weeks, your baby’s head, brain, spinal cord, lungs and heart begin to form. It’s important to start taking a prenatal vitamin as soon as you realize you’re pregnant because they give your baby essential vitamins and minerals that help reduce the risk of certain birth defects.

Second month

During the second month of pregnancy, your baby’s organs, muscles, bones, arms and legs begin to grow. This is when many women have their first ultrasound exam and get to see a sonogram of their growing baby.

Third month

In month three, your baby’s heart continues to grow and eyelids, fingers, toes and skin begin to form. In a few more weeks, you will feel movement, but your baby needs to put on a little more weight first.

Second Trimester

If you were keeping your pregnancy a secret in the first trimester, your baby is going to make it difficult to keep your secret in the second trimester. Many women refer to the second trimester as the honeymoon phase because morning sickness usually subsides and they aren’t too big yet to be uncomfortable.

Fourth month

This month, your baby will learn how to use his brand new facial muscles to express himself. He will learn how to smile and frown. His fingernails and hair are also growing. A sensation of small gas bubbles or a fluttering in your abdomen may actually be your baby moving. Have fun noticing when he is most active. Is it after you eat? When you are trying to sleep?

Fifth month

Soon the fluttering sensations will give way to unmistakable kicks and elbows moving around. During month five, your baby is finally big enough to find out their gender. Also, you may be lucky enough to see your baby sucking his thumb during your ultrasound exam. In addition to learning this new skill, your baby’s fingerprints are developing.

Sixth month

Your baby can begin to hear you during month six. Enjoy telling him about your day or singing along to the radio. In addition to developing their sense of hearing, your baby’s teeth are forming under their gums.

Third Trimester

Ultrasounds and sonograms are increasingly exciting during the last trimester. It is usually during the third trimester that you may have a 4D ultrasound where you will see your baby’s face and watch the blood flow from your umbilical cord to his body and through his heart.

Seventh month

Your baby’s eyelids are on the move. As he practices opening and closing his eyes, he will also begin to gain weight more quickly.

Eighth month

It’s time for your doctor to confirm your baby’s position, which may require an ultrasound exam. Most babies will move to a head down position in preparation for delivery. After that, they will gain about a ½ pound each week until delivery.

Ninth month

It’s time to meet your baby! He will continue to gain weight this month and move further down into your pelvis. Contact your doctor if you notice any bleeding, water or have contractions that are less than ten minutes apart.

When you need an ultrasound examination with precise image results, make Alaska Family Sonograms your first choice. We provide our patients with the highest quality image results available. For more information about our role and advantages as a reference/demo site for a world leader in ultrasound diagnostic imaging, or to schedule an appointment, call 907-561-3601.

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